University Master Degree Completion

Extended Diploma in Computing Technologies (Data Analytics)

(University Level 7 (Master Degree Advanced Entry) – 120 Credits)



The level 7 extended diploma in computing technologies – data analytics is an advanced entry Master degree course, which provides learners with 120 credits of the 180 credits required to achieve a complete Masters. This extended diploma has been developed to meet the needs of individual learners, colleges, training providers and the skills, knowledge and understanding required by staff in organisations, working in the field of data analytics.

After receiving your level 7 diploma, you are eligible to apply for a Master degree top-up course, either online or on campus at a range of UK universities. The top-up portion will usually consist of the final 60 credits of either, a dissertation, or a dissertation and one module.

To obtain this extended diploma learners must take the five mandatory units and the two units from the data analytics pathway.

Total Qualification Time: 1200 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 600

Total Credit Value: 120



Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
Mandatory Units
D/618/7843 Managing Innovation and Change in Computing 7 20 100
H/618/7844 Systems Development and User Experience (UX) 7 20 100
K/618/7845 Implementing and Managing Cyber Security 7 20 100
F/618/7852 Business Intelligence Systems 7 20 100
J/618/7853 Independent Project 7 20 100
Optional Units
D/618/7857 Data analytics and Big Data 7 10 50
H/618/7861 Computer-based Research Methods 7 10 50


Data analytics and Big Data

The aim of this unit is to focus on the importance and uses of big data in today’s world. This will include how data analysis and big data can be used to provide greater knowledge in certain areas, for example with crime detection and police systems. Learners will also focus on the considerations that need to be made in relation to storing, searching and reporting on big data sets. The learner will:

  • Understand the fundamentals of big data
  • Understand the structure, size and security of big data
  • Understand the characteristics of data analysis
  • Be able to present information from large data sets


Computer-based Research Methods

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with an understanding of different computer-based research methods. Learners will plan their own research using associated techniques. Learners will also carry out a research project based on an area of interest within the computing technologies field, for example future/emerging technologies, cloud-based technologies. The learner will:

  • Understand the use of computer-based research methods
  • Understand the components of research
  • Be able to prepare for a computer-based research project
  • Be able to carry out an independent computer-based research project



Managing Innovation and Change in Computing


The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the necessary knowledge and understanding in order to manage innovation and change in computing environments. Learners will explore that change is constant and the importance of understanding and applying a process for managing change within an organisation. There will be a focus on innovation and changes that are common across the computing industry. The learner will:

  • Understand innovation and change management in computing
  • Understand how to manage change
  • Understand how to explore innovative computing ideas
  • Be able to recommend innovative computing solutions
  • Understand the wider business context of computing changes


Systems Development and User Experience (UX)

This aim of this unit is to provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the development of systems and how this is achieved using a range of systems development life cycle models (SDLC). Learners will focus on how to establish the user and technical requirements of the system and the considerations to make when developing a user interface. The learner will:

  • Understand the development lifecycle of a system
  • Understand software and data system construction
  • Understand system design, implementation and testing
  • Understand how to create a positive user experience
  • Be able to develop and test prototypes


Implementing and Managing Cyber Security


This unit aims to provide learners with the necessary knowledge and understanding of securing computing systems and how to implement and manage cyber security in an enterprise environment. The unit will focus on the core principles to consider in order to secure systems appropriately. Learners will develop the knowledge and skills relating to security, detection, information and attack management in order to protect an organisation in the event of a cyber security attack.The learner will:


  • Understand the principles of cyber security
  • Understand the importance of user awareness
  • Understand cyber security protection methods
  • Understand cyber security testing
  • Understand how to manage a cyber-attack
  • Be able to manage cyber security in an organisation


Business Intelligence Systems

This unit aims to help learners develop an understanding of business intelligence systems and the benefits of using such systems from an organisational point of view.

Learners will focus on the key areas within business intelligence systems and develop an understanding of why business intelligence plays a fundamental role in organisational strategic planning. The learner will:

  • Understand the characteristics of business intelligence systems
  • Understand organisational need for business intelligence systems
  • Understand how business intelligence systems play a key strategic role in organisations
  • Be able to use business intelligence software


Independent Project

This unit aims to provide learners with the opportunity to undertake an independent project. In the unit learners can utilise the knowledge and understanding gained in previous units and from other areas of learning and experience to independently manage and complete a practical project. Learners will showcase the skills learned and their understanding of technologies whilst following formal project management techniques. The learner will:

  • Understand the considerations to make when planning an ICT project
  • Be able to plan an independent ICT project
  • Be able to manage and complete an ICT project
  • Be able to test your development
  • Be able to evaluate your development




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Extended Diploma in Computing Technologies (Data Analytics)

(University Level 7 (Master Degree Advanced Entry) – 120 Credits)

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