Progress onto University Final Year

Diploma in IT and Computing

University 2nd Year (Level 5 – 120 credits)


The Level 5 Diploma in Computing is a 120 credit Ofqual regulated qualification. It provides the core knowledge, understanding and skills to support learners planning to further their studies in computing. The level 5 modules and assignments of this course are equivalent to the second year of a university degree in computing.

Our online level 5 IT computing diploma includes 10 modules and written assignments. The course is designed to equip you with the skills you need to top-up to a full undergraduate degree and go on to become an IT professional. While completing the course, students will have access to a variety of support services, including tutor support and webinars, a social learning forum, and additional materials to help in the completion of their diploma course.  Learners who complete this qualification can progress onto a variety of bachelor degree top-up programmes at a university, including those where we have progression agreements with many universities.

Leaners must achieve 120 credits by completing all ten mandatory units

Total Qualification Time: 1200 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 480

Total Credit Value: 120

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
D506/8020 Cyber Security 5 12 48
H/506/8021 Database Design and Development 5 12 48
M/506/8023 Web Based Development 5 12 48
K/506/8022 Network Design 5 12 48
T/506/8024 Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Issues and Professional Responsibility in IT 5 12 48
F/506/8026 Strategic Management Information Systems 5 12 48
Y/506/8033 Innovative Technologies in Computing 5 12 48
A506/8025 Computing Research Methods 5 12 48
J/506/8027 Managing a Computing Project 5 12 48
R/506/8032 Software Development Methodologies 5 12 48

Cyber Security

Learners will develop an understanding of the importance of cyber security to organisations. They will understand industry standards of cyber security and be able to recommend improvements in security to a client’s network. The learner will:

  • Understand the impact of cyber security threats to organisations
  • Understand industry standards of cyber security
  • Be able to recommend improvements to secure a network for a client against cyber attacks

Database Design and Development

Learners will extend their understanding of database design and development. They will research database management systems and will design and implement a complex database. The learner will:

  • Understand database management systems
  • Be able to design a relational database in line with a client brief
  • Be able to implement a database design
  • Be able to review the process of design and implementation of a database

Web Based Development

Learners will develop an understanding of web based development They will research different technologies that can be used to create dynamic and interactive websites and they will use this research to develop their own website. They will investigate e-marketing and SEO techniques to promote web sites and they will suggest appropriate techniques to solve a business problem. Learners will create a back end database to allow the database to interact with the website. They will critically review the web-based solution against client requirements. The learner will:

  • Understand client side and server side technologies
  • Understand e-marketing techniques to promote business online
  • Be able to create a web-based solution to a business problem
  • Be able to review a web-based solution

Network Design

Learners will learn IT network design fundamentals and will design a network for a client in accordance with a design brief. The learner will:

  • Understand networking fundamentals
  • Be able to design an IT network in accordance with a design brief
  • Be able to build a network to meet a client brief

Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Issues and Professional Responsibilities in IT

Learners will develop understanding of ethical, legal, regulatory issues and professional responsibilities relating to working in IT. The learner will:

  • Understand ethical issues in IT
  • Understand legal and regulatory issues relating to the use of IT in organisations
  • Understand professional responsibilities relating to working in IT

Strategic Management Information Systems

Learners will develop an understanding of the importance of integrating organisational strategy with information systems and the tools and techniques that can be used to analyse strategy. They will analyse business processes and recommend improvements. The learner will:

  • Understand links between information systems and organisational strategy
  • Be able  to  analyse  the  links  between strategy and information systems within an organization
  • Be able to formulate an information systems strategy for an organization
  • Understand the implementation process of an information systems strategy

Innovative Technologies in Computing

Learners will develop an understanding of innovative developments in technology and their impact on the computer industry.  The learner will:

  • Understand innovative developments in technology
    • Innovative technologies –current developments: big data exploration, cloud system deployment, Ubiquitous computing
    • Technology innovation and society: knowledge society, social media, technology enhanced innovation processes
    • Evaluating technology innovation: methods for evaluating innovation, technology evaluation, impact of technology innovation (success and failure)
    • Dependencies between technology and its environment: technology and environment, technology sustainability, sustainable development
  • Understand impacts of technological innovations on the computer industry
    • Technological innovation and ethics: new ethical dilemmas, privacy, security
    • Technological innovation and legislation: IPR, patents, copyright

Computing Research Methods

Learners will develop an understanding of different computer based research methods. They will plan their own research and carry out a research project based on an area of interest to them within computer science. The learner will:

  • Understand computer based research techniques
  • Research techniques: desk research, ethnography, focus groups, interviews, online communities, mobile research, surveys
  • Sampling techniques: probability-based, selective, convenience-based, ethnographic methods
  • Ethics and research: ethical standards, ethics principles, ethics approval
  • Data analysis techniques: qualitative methods, quantitative methods, data analysis tools
  • Be able to plan a computer based research project on a topic within computer science
    • Research proposal structure: focus, relevant literature, method, ethics, decisions, schedule, resources, references
    • Data collection methods: exploratory, descriptive, analytical/explanatory, predictive
    • Research proposal feasibility: scope, topic selection, structure, managing time, managing data collection
  • Be able to carry out research on a topic within computer science
    • Data collection: primary data, secondary data
    • Data analysis: scientific rigor, deductive, inductive
    • Reporting: research outline, research foundation, research methodology, research results, research evaluation, research process reflection

Managing a computing project

Learners will find out about different project management tools and techniques  that  can  be  used  when  managing  a  computing  project. They will use tools and techniques to plan, implement and review their own computing project.  The learner will:

  • Understand how to manage a computing project
  • Be able to manage a computing project
  • Be able review a computing project

Software development methodologies

Learners will learn about using software development methodologies to develop an information system. The learner will:

  • Understand the role of methodologies in software development
  • Be able to design an information system using a software development methodology


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Diploma in IT and Computing

University 2nd Year (Level 5 – 120 credits)

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