Progress onto University 2nd year

Extended Diploma in Business and Management

University 1st Year (Level 4 – 120 credits)


The Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management is 120-credit Ofqual regulated qualifications that is the equivalent level to the first year of a bachelor’s degree. The Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management has been designed for learners who wish to develop the skills and knowledge required for roles in junior management. The course has also been developed with progression in mind and enable learners to continue on to a range of Bachelor’s degrees.  After completing the Diploma, the learners can progress to the 2nd year of a bachelor degree, or alternatively you can progress to our qualification at level 5.

To obtain the Extended Diploma in Business and Management, learners must achieve the four Mandatory Units PLUS four Optional Units.

Total Qualification Time: 1200 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 480

Total Credit Value: 120

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
Mandatory Units
M/617/1145 The Business Environment 4 15 60
L/617/1153 People in Organisations 4 15 60
H/617/1143 Financial and Management Accounting Techniques for Managers 4 15 60
J/617/1149 Communication Skills for Business 4 15 60
Optional Units
D/617/1156 Managing a Work-Based Team Project 4 15 60
H/617/1157 Entrepreneurship 4 15 60
J/617/1152 Resource Management 4 15 60
F/617/1151 Customer Relationship Management 4 15 60
Y/617/1155 Managing Quality 4 15 60
R/617/1218 Managing Operations 4 15 60
R/617/1249 The Marketing Mix 4 15 60
A/617/1228 Managing Information and Knowledge 4 15 60
A/617/1147 Administrative Services 4 15 60
L/617/1248 Corporate Social Responsibility 4 15 60

The Business Environment

This unit will develop learners’ understanding of the national and global business environment and the internal and external circumstances in which different organisations operate. The learner will:

  • Understand types of organisations and their purposes
  • Understand the structure of organisations
  • Understand the impact of the market environment on organisations
  • Understand the nature of the national environment in which organisations operate

People in Organisations

This unit aims to develop knowledge and understanding of those aspects of organisations that concern and support people. This includes communication practices, teamwork, remote working and other organisational structures. Using this knowledge and understanding, learners will be able to review the impact of workplace practices on people. The learner will:

  • Understand communication practices within organisations
  • Understand effective teamwork
  • Understand the issues associated with remote working
  • Understand how organisations monitor and support people in the workplace

Financial and Management Accounting Techniques for Managers

To develop knowledge and understanding of fundamental financial and management accounting techniques used by managers in organisations and to enable learners to apply these techniques. The learner will:

  • Understand financial and management accounting systems
  • Be able to assess business organisation performance
  • Be able to apply management accounting techniques

Communication Skills for Business 

This unit aims to develop knowledge and understanding of the communication practices within organisations and learners are introduced to the different modes and channels of communication used in organisations.  In addition, learners will be able to develop their communication skills.  Learners will also apply their own communication skills to typical organisational requirements. The learner will:

  • Understand how internal communication takes place within organisations
  • Understand how organisations communicate with customers
  • Understand the factors that impact on the effectiveness of communications in business
  • Be able to present oral information effectively
  • Be able to communicate effectively in writing

Managing a Work-Based Team Project

This unit aims to develop project management skills for a work-based team project by implementing the different stages of project development, implementation and review. The learner will:

  • Be able to develop a proposal for a work- based team project
  • Be able to plan the work-based team project
  • Be able to implement the plan for a work- based team project
  • Be able to evaluate the process and outcomes of the project


To provide the learner with an understanding of entrepreneurship in business, the skills and qualities needed by a successful entrepreneur and the roles an entrepreneur plays in starting and developing businesses. The learner will develop skills in evaluating possible new business ventures and will be able to prepare for a new business venture. The learner will:

  • Understand entrepreneurship in business
  • Understand the skills and qualities of a successful entrepreneur
  • Be able to evaluate the viability of a new entrepreneurial idea.
  • Be able to prepare for a new business venture.

Resource Management

The aim of this unit is to provide an overview of the human and physical resources needed in a range of organisations, including those in the primary, service and manufacturing sectors. The unit develops an understanding of the impact of efficiency on organisations. Learners will use this knowledge and understanding to review the effective use of resources within an organisation.  The learner will:

  • Understand the key features of resource management
  • Understand the importance of the effective use of physical resources
  • Understand how to use human resources effectively
  • Understand how to review the effective use of resources

Customer Relationship Management

Learners will be able to develop knowledge and understanding of the scope and importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and to explore how effective CRM is achieved. The learner will:

  • Understand the importance of customer relationship management to business
  • Understand how good customer relationship management is achieved
  • Understand the use of loyalty schemes in customer relationship management
  • Be able to plan improvements to customer relationship management in a chosen organisation

Managing Quality

Learners will gain an understanding of the concepts of quality, quality control, quality assurance and quality management. They will review this in the context of an organisation considering how to apply principles of quality management. The learner will:

  • Understand approaches to quality management in organisations
  • Investigate the importance of quality control and quality assurance systems to organisations
  • Understand the impact of organisational performance and culture on quality management

Managing Operations

Learners will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the role and importance of operations management in organisations. They will assess the importance of an efficient and effective production process for goods and services.  The learner will:

  • Understand operations management
  • Understand the relationship between operations and performance
  • Understand techniques to make operational management decisions


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Extended Diploma in Business and Management

University 1st Year (Level 4 – 120 credits)

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