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Certificate in Personal Leadership and Management Development
(Level 6 – 15 Credits)


The Certificate in Personal Leadership and Management Development is a 15-credit Ofqual regulated qualification and is the equivalent level to a 15- credit level 6 course. This course has been designed to help learners develop their own personal leadership and management skills to support the achievement of organisational objectives and personal progression. Learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the certificate. To achieve the standards for this certificate, learners will be required to identify their own skills development needs for leadership and management based on real evidence. Learners must actually apply the plan which is produced so they may need an extended time to carry out this assignment.

Total Qualification Time: 120 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 60

Total Credit Value: 15

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
Mandatory Units
A/615/2713 Personal Leadership and Management Development 6 15 60

Personal Leadership and Management Development

This course aims to help learners develop their own personal leadership and management skills to support the achievement of organisational objectives and personal progression. The learners will:

  • Understand how personal leadership and management skills support the achievement of organisational objectives
  • Be able to manage development of own personal leadership and management skills to support achievement of personal and organisational objectives
  • Be able to reflect on the effectiveness of personal development plans in developing management and leadership skills

Indicative Content

  1. Understand how personal leadership and management skills support the achievement of organisational objectives
  • Organisational objectives:Different organisational visions and aims, for example; financial, customer focused, product focused etc.: stakeholder requirements, for example; profitability, ethical operation, legal compliance, strategic plans, accountability of leaders and managers for organisational objectives, impact of organisational type, purpose, values and culture on leadership and management roles, the wider environment requirements affecting organisation.
  • Personal leadership and management skills: Leadership and management characteristics, skills, competence and knowledge required, behaviours, attitudes associated with effective leadership, personal skills.


  1. Be able to manage development of own personal leadership and management skills to support achievement of personal and organisational objectives
  • Development opportunities: Coaching, mentoring, networking, professional bodies and professional recognition, formal training, education opportunities, formal qualifications, reflective learning models and techniques, feedback – obtaining, evaluating, using feedback, carrying out different tasks in an organisation, taking on different roles.
  • Personal development plans: Contents of plans – activities, timescales, milestones, deadlines, aims and objectives, writing SMART objectives.
  • Personal development: Continual review and reflection, different opportunities for learning including formal (organised training activities) and informal (on-the-job experience, personal reading, learning from colleagues), learning from activities, using feedback on activities, recording achievement.
  1. Be able to reflect on the effectiveness of personal development plans in developing management and leadership skills
  • Review: Review of original objectives, review of achievement against original objectives, competences and results, importance of review, identifying objectives not yet achieved.
  • Evaluation: Measuring effectiveness, evaluating effectiveness, benchmarking with others. Identifying activities that were not effective, areas needing further development.
  • Further development: Further development needs and opportunities, building on success, addressing areas of weakness, updating plans, the importance of continuous development and reflection.


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(Level 6 – 15 Credits)

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