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Certificate in Managing a Work-Based Team Project
(Level 4 – 15 Credits)


The Certificate in Managing a Work-Based Team Project is a 15-credit Ofqual regulated qualification and is the equivalent level to a 15- credit level 4 course. This course aims to develop project management skills for a work-based team project by implementing the different stages of project development, implementation and review. In order to achieve this certificate learners must produce work which demonstrates achievement of the learning outcomes at the standards provided by the assessment criteria. Learners will be required to develop a proposal for a work-based team project, plan the project, implement the plan and evaluate the project.

Total Qualification Time: 120 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 60

Total Credit Value: 15

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
Mandatory Units
D/617/1156 Managing a Work-Based Team Project 4 15 60

Managing a Work-Based Team Project

This course aims to develop project management skills for a work-based team project by implementing the different stages of project development, implementation and review. The learners will:

  • Be able to develop proposal for a work-based team project
  • Be able to plan the work-based team project
  • Be able to implement the plan for a work-based team project
  • Be able to evaluate the process and outcomes of the project

Indicative Content

  1. Develop proposal for a work-based team project
  • Objectives: Strategic, Financial, Organisational, Personal development, Team building.
  • Scope: Outputs, Financial, Time, Quality, Out of scope.
  • Ways of monitoring the project: Meetings, Reporting, Data analysis, Risks and issues, Managing quality.
  • Ways of evaluating the project: Success criteria, Self-evaluation, Peer evaluation, Customer evaluation.
  • Benefits to organization: Strategic, Financial, Competitive, Innovative, Kudos, Benefits customers.
  1. Plan the work-based team project
  • Project management methodology: Critical path analysis, Gantt charts, PERT analysis, Project management methods e.g. Prince2, Agile.
  • Activity planning: Identification of activities, Ordering of activities in a logical order, Identification of interdependencies, Critical path.
  • Key milestones: Milestones at which decision will be taken to continue or stop project.
  • Physical/technology resources: Workspace, Documentation, Other physical, Technology.
  • Financial resources: Budget, Sources of funding, Contingency.
  • Human resources: Allocation of team members’ roles, Roles and responsibilities, External expertise.
  • Risk assessment: Identification of risks, Likelihood of risk, Severity of risk, Contingencies.
  • Quality requirements: Acceptance criteria, Line manager/customer’s quality expectations, Quality log; review, Quality plan, Product description and quality criteria, Stage quality plan.
  • Management control points: Project initiation decision, End stage assessment, Highlight reports, Tolerance, Exception reports, Project closure.
  1. Implement the plan for a work-based team project
  • Carry out plan, Track activities completed.
  • Risk and issue management: Identification and logging of risks and issues, Contingency planning, Mitigation, Management of risks and issues, Risk and issue log.
  • Manage quality, Quality check: fitness for use of the project outcome, and adherence to requirements.
  1. Evaluate the process and outcomes of the project
  • Collection of feedback: Identification of stakeholders to provide feedback, Verbal and written feedback, Project review meetings and discussions, Lessons learned meeting.
  • Analysis of feedback: Use of feedback to identify common patterns and themes, Summary of patterns and themes.
  • Evaluation of project: Evaluation of project outcomes against project aims and objectives.


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(Level 4 – 15 Credits)

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