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Certificate in Leadership and Management
(Level 6 – 15 Credits)


The Certificate in Leadership and Management is a 15-credit Ofqual regulated qualification and is the equivalent level to a 15- credit level 6 course. This course has been designed to enable the learner to understand the role of leadership and management in organisations; and the use of leadership and management skills to improve organisational performance. To achieve this certificate, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. The learner will need to demonstrate a full understanding of the concepts of leadership and management, the difference between them and how they are used in organisations. The work must be illustrated with exemplar material from research and where possible from the learner’s practical experience in employment, as a learner and from working in teams.

Total Qualification Time: 120 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 60

Total Credit Value: 15

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
Mandatory Units
H/615/2706 Leadership and Management 6 15 60

Leadership and Management

This course has aims to enable the learner to understand the role of leadership and management in organisations; and the use of leadership and management skills to improve organisational performance. The learners will:

  • Understand strategic leadership and management in organisations
  • Understand how to improve organisational performance through the application of relevant leadership and management skills
  • Understand how leaders and managers utilise teams in improving organisational performance


Indicative Content

  1. Understand strategic leadership and management in organisations
  • Concepts of leadership and management: Definitions of leadership and the role of leaders, classification of leadership (e.g. dimensions, processes, personality), leadership as a process, power and influence, strategic and operational, the importance of common goals, leaders and followers/ leadership of groups, leadership skills, Mintzberg’s 10 managerial roles.
  • Leadership and management theories: Trait theories, process theories, functional leadership, transactional e.g. Bennis and Bass, leadership/management styles, situational theories e.g. Hersey and Blanchard, contingency theory e.g. Fiedler, path-goal theory, Transformational Leadership, psychodynamic theory
  • Styles: Autocratic, bureaucratic, laissez-faire, persuasive, participative, charismatic ; adapting styles to different situations.
  1. Understand how to improve organisational performance through the application of relevant leadership and management skills
  • Different skills sets for leaders and managers. Leaders need to be able to create vision, set direction, communicate, risk taker, plan, listen etc. Managers need to build the team, lead and work in teams, communicate, time management, meet deadlines, manage performance, delegate, project management, problem solve
  • Motivation: Taylorism, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg and Broad theories (e.g. temporal motivation theory), cognitive theory, power, behavioural theories; social constructivism, How leaders motivate and practical aspects of motivation
  • Performance management: Clarity of end results and goal setting, agreement with staff, reward, performance monitoring and measurement, gathering feedback, use of data and outputs, job design and characteristics and employee needs
  1. Understand how leaders and managers utilise teams in improving organisational performance
  • Development of teams: Stages of team development e.g. Tuckman, Honey, Leigh and Maynard, High performance teams; shared purpose and established goals; clear roles; strong interdependencies; agreed decision making process; use of review and feedback; stable team membership; strong learning environment; team based rewards system.
  • Team leadership: Roles and models of team leadership, establishing the culture of team performance, giving direction, establishing reporting lines, celebrating success, managing conflict, communications, collaboration and team decision making, creativity of teams; monitoring performance and measuring team success, Impact on organisational performance, Teams - utilising skills of individual members; shared goals and ambitions; working with and supporting colleagues; wanting success for the team, common understanding of the plan and its impact on the organisation; individual performance of a team member and impact on the work of others, Underperforming teams and negative impact on organisational performance, goals not achieved, blame culture; conflict; staff absence, retention
  • Working with real time: common message and communication; lack of clarity and direction and second guessing; lack of empathy and personal connection; different work ethic and culture in team members; hidden incompetence; diminished productivity; availability.


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(Level 6 – 15 Credits)

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