Progress onto University 2nd year

Diploma in IT and Computing

University 1st Year (Level 4 – 120 credits)


The Level 4 Diploma in Computing is a 120 credit Ofqual regulated qualification. It provides the core knowledge, understanding and skills to support learners planning to further their studies in computing. The level 4 modules and assignments of this course are equivalent to the first year of a university degree in computing.

Our online level 4 IT computing diploma includes 10 modules and written assignments. The course is designed to equip you with the skills you need to top-up to a full undergraduate degree and go on to become an IT professional. While completing the course, students will have access to a variety of support services, including tutor support and webinars, a social learning forum, and additional materials to help in the completion of their diploma course.

Leaners must achieve 120 credits by completing all ten mandatory units

Total Qualification Time: 1200 Hours

Total Guided Learning Hours: 480

Total Credit Value: 120

Unit Codes Unit Title Level Credit GLA
K506/7680 IT and Society 4 12 48
M/506/7681 Computer Systems and Software 4 12 48
T/506/7682 Computer Programming 4 12 48
A/506/7683 Relational Database Systems 4 12 48
J/506/7718 Software Engineering 4 12 48
L/506/7719 Systems Analysis and Design 4 12 48
L506/7719 E-Commerce Applications 4 12 48
F/506/7722 Human Computer Interaction 4 12 48
L/506/7722 Information Systems Theory and Practice 4 12 48
R/506/7723 Management Information Systems 4 12 48

IT and Society

Learners will understand ethical, legal and regulatory issues relating to IT. They will also understand the impact of IT on society. The learners will:

  • Understand how IT has changed the way people live and work
  • Understand IT issues in society
  • Understand current legal, ethical and regulatory issues in IT

Computer Systems and Software

This unit will develop learners’ understanding of the integration of hardware and software components. Learners will explore how hardware serves specific computer processing functions and investigate the use of various software applications. The learners will:

  • Understand components of computer systems
  • Understand computer software

Computer Programming

Learners will use different tools and techniques to design, implement and test programs, following the system life cycle. They will use an appropriate programming language and learn about the principles of good programming to enable them to create computer programs. The learners will:

  • Understand principles of computer programming
  • Be able to develop a computer program to a client brief
  • Be able to evaluate a computer program

Relational Database Systems

This unit will develop learners’ understanding of database systems and data analysis and modelling. They will understand how normalisation and functional dependency theory is used to design a relational database and how the client-server model is used. The learners will:

  • Understand database management systems
  • Understand database design
  • Be able to design a database system

Software Engineering

Leaners will gain an understanding of the need for Software Engineering and the different methods and techniques. The learners will:

  • Understand the    software engineering approach  to  the  design  and  development  of software
  • Understand key aspects of software engineering
  • Be able to apply a software engineering approach to software and systems development

Systems Analysis and Design

Learners will be able to understand the systems development life cycle and the role of systems methodologies within the life cycle. Learners will be introduced to different fact finding and problem-solving techniques and they will use these to analyse an existing system. They will recommend improvements and plan to implement these improvements for a client. The learners will:

  • Understand systems analysis and design
  • Be able to use systems analysis and design techniques to recommend improvements to an existing system
  • Be able to develop a solution to improve an existing system

E-commerce Applications

Learners will learn about different e-commerce models and applications and how they can be used to develop e-commerce in a small business. They will research the stages involved in setting up e-commerce and they will use e-commerce applications to meet a client brief. The learners will:

  • Understand principles of e-commerce
  • Understand why small businesses use e-commerce
  • Understand e-commerce models used in small businesses
  • Understand e-commerce applications
  • Be able create an e-commerce site using e-commerce application

Human Computer Interaction

Learners will develop understanding of principles and models of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). They will evaluate existing HCI design and principles and use this to help them plan their own prototype user interface. They will formulate design documentation to plan an interface for a product. Learners will implement the plan to create a prototype. Learners will review and amend the prototype based on user feedback. The learners will:

  • Understand principles of human computer interaction (HCI)
  • Be able to plan an interface for a specified application
  • Be able to create a prototype using HCI principles

Information Systems Theory and Practice

Learners will understand the benefits of using information systems to plan a project. They will use an information system to plan and implement an information systems project. The learners will:

  • Understand information systems used in organisations
  • Be able to plan the development of an information system
  • Understand how to review the performance of an information system


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Diploma in IT and Computing

University 1st Year (Level 4 – 120 credits)

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